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Scenic Walk Around Volcanoes National Park

Scenic Walk around Volcanoes National Park

A scenic walk around Volcanoes is one of the thrilling ways to experience the beauty and diversity of this remote place. Here’re some of the unmissable scenic walks in Rwanda’s Gorilla Sanctuary and if you have plans of visiting this Protected Area, then you should check them out;- Book Now

The Ngezi Lake Trail.

This spectacular Trail heads travelers to the stunning small, shallow, and scenic Lake Ngezi found along the foothills of Mount Bisoke. This magnificent Lake can only be discovered by hiking the 3711-meter-tall dormant Volcano in Volcanoes National Park, and part of Congo’s Virunga National Park. It takes only 3-4 hours for a round trip to discover its beauty. Some of the beautiful attractions to spot along this Trail include lots of primate species (especially monkeys), and birds (such as the Grauer’s Swamp warblers, Papyrus Gonolek, and many others). Hikers are also treated to the awe-inspiring views of the Ngezi Lake- a Crater Lake on Mount Bisoke, other Virunga Volcanoes, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and cultivate hillsides.

Scenic walks to the Twin Lakes of Bulera and Ruhondo.

Scenic walks to the stunning Twin Lakes take travelers to some of the most extraordinary water bodies in the country to discover their formations (Lava-dammed Lakes). Walk along their shores while discovering the different bird species that include the Paradise Flycatchers, Cinnamon-breasted bee-eater, African Marsh Harrier, Pink-backed pelicans, Grey-throated Tit, and the Long-crested Eagles, to mention but a few.

Walks to the Dian Fossey Gravesite.

Another unavoidable scenic walk around Volcanoes National Park is the one that leads to the Dian Fossey Gravesite, to learn about the unwavering effort of an American primatologist in studying and protecting the mountain gorillas to the point of losing her own life. Dian Fossey’s work and life were documented in the “Gorillas in the Mist film”. While undertaking these guided scenic walks, expect to tour her Karisoke Research Center between Karisimbi and Bisoke Volcanoes. The walk is about 3-4 hours, beginning from Kinigi Park Headquarters and introducing participants to the plight of mountain gorillas during her time and even seeing the gravesite of her favorite gorilla (Digit).

The guided scenic walk through Buhanga Sacred Forest.

The small beautiful Buhanga Sacred Forest is not just natural but also a cultural attraction worth exploring during your visit to Volcanoes National Park. It used to be the Coronation Site for Rwandan Kings, and because of this, local community members still have personal and cultural attachments to the area. There are beautiful trees, butterflies, and bird species that capture the attention of hikers. Get the chance to visit different areas of the Sacred Forest while learning about their significance to Rwanda’s cultural heritage.

What to pack on the scenic walks around Volcanoes National Park.

For your scenic walks around Volcanoes National Park, make sure that you have packed a good camera and spare batteries as well as extra memory space, a Tripod, Hiking boots, Binoculars, reusable water bottle, energy-giving snacks, rain jacket/poncho, first aid kit, sunglasses, safari hat, sunscreen, a backpack, gardening gloves, insect repellant, cotton socks, long-sleeved shirts, safari pants, and others.

When is the perfect time to do scenic walks around Volcanoes National Park?

Hands down, the perfect time of the year to undertake scenic walks around Volcanoes National Park is the dry season- June to September and December to February because, during these months, the walk trails are less muddy and slippery, owing to the reduced precipitation levels.

So you can combine your scenic walk with a gorilla trek to Volcanoes for an extraordinary jungle adventure experience. Let us know and our team will plan for you the best Rwanda tour.

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