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Gorilla Behind The Scenes Experience In Rwanda

Gorilla Behind the Scenes Experience in Rwanda

Gorilla behind the scenes experience in Rwanda provides a pre-trek meeting and presentation about gorilla conservation by the management and a live experience with anti- poaching, researching and vets.  Encountering mountain gorillas in the wild is a sublime experience, and is sure to be a highlight of your trip. However, when you to do Gorilla behind the scenes experience in Rwanda, you will led by personally tracking expert and gorilla conservation expert. A complimentary experience adds on of golden monkey visit, nature walk, Musanze cave and Buhanga Eco- Park. Book Now

In consultation with you to ascertain your interests, visit and interaction with members of the local community, such as former poachers it also included on gorilla behind the scenes experience in Rwanda. A personalized autograph photo with your park ranger, guides and conservation expert, all this comprises at a fee of $ 15,000 for a minimum of 3 visitors for 3 consecutive days. Meeting with the gorilla doctors, a special moment to learn more from them.

As you track the gorillas, your expert will show you how they prepare morsels of food – each plant requires a different technique you’ll be invited to try. And you’ll see the rich diversity of life on the misty slopes of the mountains, from giant earthworms (if it has been raining) to scarlet-winged Ruwenzori Turacos. In addition, you’ll be able to monitor their health and research their behavior and the state of their forest habitat. Stay at the most luxury lodging located around this beautiful park including Bisate Lodge, One &Only Gorillas Nest Lodge, Sabinyo Silverback Lodge, Singita Kwitonda Lodge and the famous Virunga Lodge.

Guides stories of year in adventuring the mountains will reveal to you “Gorillas in the Mist” – the true story. And if you are up for a physical challenge, you can hike Mt Sabinio with them, retracing the steps of the German officer, Robert von Beringe, who discovered the Mountain Gorilla for science in 1902 (of course the local people knew they were there all the time).

There is no better way to enjoy Rwanda by complimenting this gorilla behind the scenes experience with a visit to Nyungwe forest, Rwanda’s most beautiful forest to see and track Chimpanzees and the Colobus Monkeys in Rwanda or take a guided nature walk to Isumo Waterfall to witness the forest’s living flora and fauna.

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